Mental Health Professional, Community Support at Threasholds 2006, Chicago, IL
Independent Living Provider and Councillor, Jay Nolan Independent living, 2005-2006, LA, CA
Pearson's Scoring Supervisor, Scorer, February 200l-2005, Iowa City, IA
Co-curator Latino Native American Culture Center's 30th Anniversary Art Exhibit, July 2001, University of Iowa Producer and Videographer: "When I Talk Indian I think Differently," a documentary in association with the Iowa Multimedia Workshop for Endangered Languages. This documentary was distributed and aired across the country by BrendaFarnell, anthropologist, Dr. Wallace Chafe, Linguistics Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, and the panel members consisting of Betsy Buck(Cyuga), Melvin Grey Owl (Dakota), Richard Grounds (Euchee), Shirl Snyder(Navajo), and Mike and Mari Talks Different (Assiniboine). The video is part of aCD-ROM and Web Page, 1996
Assistant Youth Counselor (art therapy, art project and instruction), YouthHomes, Inc. (runaway shelter), Iowa City, IA 1994-1995
Producer and Director of the Commercial for the 1995 and 1996 Pow Wows whichaired on Heritage Cablevision Public Access Station, including ABC, CBS, andNBC, Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and surrounding cities
Instructor for youth project, Iowa Arts Council, Iowa City, IA 1995
Producer, Videographer and Technical Editor in association with BrendaFarnell, anthropologist: Documentary on Kevin Lock, Native American ring dancer, storyteller and flute player, Iowa City, IA 1994
Producer and Technical Editor of Documentary for the Native American Pow Wow, Iowa City, IA 1994, 1995, 1996 Founder and Curator, Parquet Gallery, International Center, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 1994-1995
Story boarder and Visual Researcher for Ancient Mysteries and Mysteries of the Bible on A&E; Jack Houseman, creator of "In Search of' and "Ripley's BelieveIt or Not" television shows, Studio City, CA 1992
University Theater Positions; chief scene painter, lighting and sound, set construction and costumer, Indiana University Northwest, Gary, IN 1986-1990
Curator and Attendant for Gallery Northwest, Indiana University Northwest, Gary, IN 1986-1990
Set Designer, T
Lighting Design and Sound Technician, Great Midwestern Music Hall, Grand Rapids, MI 1989. Musical artists included: DEVO, Hall and Oats, Hank Williams, Jr., Johnny Winter, Johnny Paycheck, The Romantics, Joe Perry of Aerosmith, etal. Video and Computer Instructional Media Center, Indiana University Northwest, Gary, IN 1988
Cameraman, "This Is Your University," Indiana University
Northwest, Gary, IN1988
Exhibits, Shows, Videos, and Performances 2005
Long Road Home, Paintings Installations and Film, The American Indian Community House Gallery, NY, NY
Film Short: Scrubbed White, The American Indian Community House

Gallery, NY, NY 2004
Scrubbed White, Circle Theatre, Coralville, IA
Prayers for the Ancestors, Tunnel, Mt. Mercy College 2003
Art at the Crossroads of Culture (one-man show). Hall Art Gallery, CedarRapids, IA 2002
Benefit for Leonard Peltier. Art Show-The Mill, Iowa City, IA 2001
Latino and Native American Cultural Center 30th anniversary exhibit"Malu White as a God." Collaboration with Richard Ocompo, Manila, Philippines, April (also scheduled exhibit for 2002) 2000
Private first glimpse show: Characters and paintings for my book "My Tribe,"a collection of short stories, manipulated dolls, and other art oncontemporary Native American issues and people, Iowa City, IA
Performance, lecture with slides and video, and discussion: Colloquium:
"Spirituality in Art." University of Iowa
Retrospective, performance: "About Scrubbed White." Intermedia Workshop, University of Iowa
Performance and installation: "Vandals & Ruins." With painting site specificing the woods, Evansville, IL
Raven Blue Wolf performance and installation: KCTCS Gallery, Owensboro, KY
Painting: "Ancestors." Group show, KCTCS Gallery, Owensboro, KY
2-D and 3-D Work and Installation: "I Object." Museum of Arts and Science, Evansville, IN 1999
Performance, painting, and installation: "2000 Prayers". 3rd Street Gallery, Evansville, IN
Retrospective, Paintings: KCTCS Gallery, Owensboro, KY Faculty Show: University of Evansville Gallery, Evansville, IN

Installation /Ritual Site: "Suburban Sweat Lodge." Evansville, IN2-D and 3-D Paintings, Sculpture and Installation: "My Tribe." 3rd Street Gallery, Evansville, IN 1998
Paintings/Installation: East Meets West Show, Museum of Arts and Science, Evansville, IN John Streetman, Museum and Gallery Curator, Pieces: Painting,"Once Upon A Time," oil on masonite, stand oil glaze.
Painting/Installation: 6' x 6' 3rd Street Gallery, Evansville, IN
Painting: "The Child Within." Oil on canvas, mixed media, 20" x 24", 3rd Street Gallery, Evansville, IN
Painting: "Reflections." Oil on canvas, 6' x 8', 3rd Street Gallery, Evansville, IN
Painting: "Home?" Oil on canvas, 12" x 14", Alternative Space, Curator, J.Rosevere, Munster, IN Curator: Show of Young Artists, "The Office." Lori Frairie, Proprietor. Show still on display. Opening February 1998
Urban Sweat Lodge Installation: Crow Mask. Mask materials: wood and crowfeathers, 18" x 24", 3rd Street Gallery, Evansville, IN
Painting/Installation: "Cornucopia." Oil painting on puzzled masonite. Dimensions: painting 20" x 20"; installation space, 18' x 18', yd Street Gallery, Evansville, IN
Installation: "Changing the Cards You Are Dealt." Materials: bisque statues, cloth, candles. Installation space: 18' x 18'. Dimensions of piece, 30" x 30".Alternative Space, 14 SE Third Street, Evansville, IN
Installation/Conceptual: "Well Read." Media/materials: wooden chair, silkrope (noose), reading glasses, book. University of Southern Indiana Faculty Show, Owensboro Community College, Owensboro, KY
Performance: "Crush." Alternative Space, Evansville, IN 1997
Installation: "Maze." Mixed media, Coalinga Artist Workshop Space, Coalinga, CA
Installation and Painting Installation: "Path to the Light." Materials: wooden mouse traps painted white, white puzzle pieces and white candle. Painting: Oil. Wabash Valley College, Mt. Carmen, IL
Painting: "Redemption." Oil on canvas, 8' x 6'. Coalinga Artist Workshop Space, Coalinga, CA
Painting: "Balancing the Male." Oil on canvas, 4' x 6'. Coalinga ArtistWorkshop Space, Coalinga, CA
Painting: "Djinn." Oil on canvas, 6' x 8', Coalinga Artist Workshop Space, Coalinga, CA
Painting: "Born Under a Bad Sign." Oil on canvas, 8' x 6', Coalinga Artist Workshop Space, Coalinga, CA
Painting: "Untitled." Triptych, oil on canvas, 6' x 6', Coalinga ArtistWorkshop Space, Coalinga, CA 1996
Video: "Mosaic of Rhythm, The Red River Flows." Perfonnances by Rodney Hanson. and Ivan Doutt, percussionists. Acted as creative consultant, set designerand cameraman. Produced and aired on Public Access Television, Iowa City, IA
Video: "WeAre Here." Video production and collaboration with Shirl Snyder andMarissa Cummings, fellow Native Americans. Interviews with Native Americansconcerning their contributions to society. Acted as creative and technicaldirector and editor. University of IowaVideo: "Mosaic of Rhythm." Performances by Rodney Hanson and Ivan Doutt, percussionists. Acted as creative consultant and cameraman. Produced and aired on Public Access, Iowa City, IA
Video: "The Ophelia Project, Between the River and the Moon." Produced and directed the video production and documentation for the production that expresses strong feminist view on the abuse of women and their plight throughout history. University of Iowa
Video: Commercial for Pow Wow aired on Heritage Cablevision, Public Access, Iowa 1995
Video: "Om to Om." University of IowaEarthwork: "Peace Circle." Work in continual progress and collaboration, "In the Woods," Holiday Road, Iowa City, IA
Earthwork: "Contemplation, Realization/From Seed to Seed." Collaboration with students and instructors of the Montessori School of Iowa City, IA
Installation, sculpture, ritual and performance: "Contemplation/As Above SoBelow/Forming of the Seed Pod." Iowa City, IA
Installation, sculpture, ritual and performance: "Contemplation/Harvest."Parquet Gallery, Iowa City, IA
Painting, installation and performance: "Contemplation." Parquet Gallery, Iowa City, IA
Sculpture, installation and performance: "Puzzled." Parquet Gallery, Iowa City, IA Video: "Ritual and Realization." University of Iowa, IA
Twelve paintings: "Spermata Pingere," Series 11 "Framed." Parquet Gallery, Iowa City, IA
Video: "Fog." University of IowaVideo: "There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens." University of Iowa Video: "Mixed Blood." Interviews with Native Americans of mixed blood. University of IowaVideo: Commercial for Pow Wow aired on Heritage Cablevision and 1996 Public Access, Iowa1994
Painting: "Spermata Pingere." Series 1; Painting 1, "On the Art World. "Parquet Gallery, Iowa City, IA
Twelve Paintings: "On the Art World." "Spermata Pingere." Series 1. Parquet Gallery, Iowa City, IA
Performance: "Ice." On the icebergs in January at -20 degrees, Lake Michigan, Gary, IN
Video and performance: "Ice/Red, White and Blue." Intermedia Performance Space, Iowa City, IAVideo: "Ice/Red, White and Blue." Fairfield Video Show, MID, Fairfield, IA Video: "Time." Fairfield Video Show, MID, Fairfield, IA
Video production: "TV Dinners." Aired on University of Iowa Television and Public Access
Videos: "Cheap Shots, Full Circle." Introduction piece designed to unite the individual videos of the group of artists contributing to the show.
"Because I don't have a wooden heart"
"It's not unusual"
Videos re-aired that were shown previously at the University Video Night. Shown on Wednesdays "Video Night" through the summer months at the 620 Nightclub, Iowa City, IA
Video: "Pow Wow Highlights 1994."University of Iowa and the Latino Native American Cultural Center, Iowa City, IA
Video: "Kevin Lock." University of Iowa and Latino Native American Center, Iowa City, IA
Installation and opening of Parquet Gallery: "Been There, Done That:"International Center, University of Iowa 1993
Video: "Rough Zone." University of Iowa
Altar piece installation and performance: "Churches of Earth." Cosgrove Institute, Cosgrove, IA. Re-shown at the University of Iowa.
Collaboration with other Native American writers and artists: "Indian RadioDays." This was a radio playas well as a live show performed on stage at CSPS, a gallery in Cedar Rapids, IA It was also broadcast on radio and reviewed in"Tractor" magazine.
Video production and collaboration with Jymie Davidovich. Group show at the California Institute of the Arts, The University of Iowa television Station and EXIT Gallery, New York. My piece was entitled, "Time."
Text installation: "Follow Me." Main Hall Gallery, California Institute of Arts, Valencia, CAInstallation: "Identity Work in Progress." Tatum Gallery, 12 pieces, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA
Installation: "Time." California Institute of the Arts Group show: "Action Reality Transformation." Sponsored by Community ArtsPartnership of Los Angeles, CA
Participation in performance ball: "The Drag Bal1." Arranged by Matias Viegenet and Millie Wilson, California Institute of the Arts 1992
Installation: "Bah, Bah, Black Sheep." Animal show arranged my Maria Cardosa, Main Gallery, California Institute of the Arts
Student group performance and ritual: "Prayer for the Riot." Campus Lawn, California Institute of the Arts
Installation: "Mao'nds." In collaboration with Vesper a Pekin Nightingale for the animal show, arranged by Maria Cardosa, Main Gallery, California
Institute of the ArtsPainting: "I Have A Friend." Group show, Mint Gallery, California
Instituteof the ArtsPainting/Installation: "Flowers for a Goddess." Group show, arranged by NancyMitchnik, Mint Gallery, California Institute of the Arts 1991
Painting: "Hung
Painting: "Woodsman." Commissioned for Karlene Cantrell, Merrillville, IN
Painting: "In an Iris." Commissioned for Karlene Cantrell, Merrillville, IN 1990
One sculpture and three paintings: "Around the Coyote." Group show arranged by Jim Happy Delpech, exhibited in Coyote Headquarters, Chicago, IL
Five paintings in an installation: "We're Sorry, Blah, Blah, Blah, We Regret." Group show, Gallery Northwest, Gary, IN